
Sewa Rental Hiace Murah Di Jakarta

21 July 2018

Rental Hiace Murah Di Jakarta

If you want to travel far and with many people such as family members, classmates, campus friends, friends who want to go to a certain place because of a concert event, book launch to vacation, it would be better if you rent a large vehicle like elf, mini bus to hiace.
Affordable Hiace Rental Jakarta
There are so many events held in Jakarta and the Jabodetabek area, because Jakarta is the center of the metropolitan city in Indonesia. So, many people from outside Jabodetabek came to visit these events or just want to take a walk together. If you need a affordable hiace rental service in Jakarta, you can rent it at Sembodo rentcar because it has the following facilities:
1. Latest Car
Although Sembodo rentcar offers Jakarta hiace rental services, but they provide the latest quality cars. All types of cars leased from elves, buses to hiace are the latest.
These cars are 2015 output cars until 2018, which means the oldest cars are 3 years old. Which means, you have the opportunity to experience the latest hiace cars. Of course if the car being rented is the latest cars, your chance to get a comfortable trip will be realized.
2. Insurance
In addition to the quality of the cars available above, you will get many other benefits. One of them is ensuring your security on the trip. Sembodo rentcar has insured all vehicles leased with all risk and commercial types.
So that your trip will be more guaranteed. Why is that? Because if you have an accident, the insurance company will bear all losses. You also do not need to pay insurance costs because it has been deducted through the deposit that you have paid.
3. Different Types of Rental Packages
In addition to serving hiace cheap Jakarta rental, Sembodo Rentcar also serves many other packages. Like, shuttle packages, tour packages to key freelancers. So if you have special needs, the Sembodo agent will adjust it.
Especially if financial problems are indeed sensitive. They realize that every trip also requires a large amount of money, especially if there are many people who participate. So, you can also negotiate the price or they will try to adjust it by offering other packages.
Lots of rental packages offered by Sembodo rentcar besides affordable hiace rentals in Jakarta. Like rental wedding cars with various models and prices, rent a luxury sports car like Lamborgini.
If you want to feel the sensation of feeling a luxury car in the center of the Indonesian metropolitan area, the Jabodetabek area, you can contact Sembodo rentcar through this website of course they will also provide other services that are more affordable.

Sembodo RENTCAR melayani rental mobil untuk perseorangan maupun perusahaan. Mobil-mobil seperti Alphard, Innova serta Mini Bus Hiace untuk Pariwisata juga tersedia.

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